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Walking Foot Upholstery Very Heavy Duty Industrial and Commericial Sewing Machines with Power Stand

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Comes with larger size 20 to 26 needles for using #69 nylon upholstery thread on medium to heavy fabrics such as Sunbrella, leather, canvas, cotton duck, denim, drapery, upholstery and webbing over 1/2" thickness.

Reliable 4220SW Walking Foot Needle Feed Lockstitch Upholstery Sewing Machine, Safety Clutch, Builtin Direct Drive DCMotor, Assembled Stand, UberLight
Yamata 1541S Industrial Single Needle Walking Foot Needle Feed Sewing Machine with Safety Clutch Mechanism and Servo Motor
Yamata FY4200 Double Needle Compound Walking Foot Upholstery Sewing Machine, Large Hook, Big M Bobbin, Assembled Power Stand
Yamata FY4400 Single Needle Compound Walking Foot Needle Feed Upholstery Sewing Machine, Assembled Power Stand, Large Hook, M Size Bobbin, Auto Oil
Superior SO55 SewLube Sewing Machine Oil 55 Gallon Drum Barrel, for Juki and Industrial Sew Reservoir Pans, to Refill Tubes, Quarts, Gallon Containers
Superior SO5Gal SewLube Sewing Machine Oil 5 Gallon: Juki and Industrial Sewing Machine Reservoir Pans, Refill Bottles, Tubes
Superior SO Sew Lube Sewing Machine Oil 1 Gallon for Juki and Industrial Sewing Machine Reservoir Pans, Refill Oilers, Tubes
Consew 254RB-3, 1 Needle Feed Lockstitch Machine/Stand, Heavy Duty, Single Needle, Triple Feed, Drop Feed, Needle Feed, Walking Foot
Yamata GC0618 (FY618) Walking Foot Needle Feed Upholstery Sewing Machine, Assembled on Power Stand
Reliable 4020SW Direct Drive, Walking Foot, Needle Feed Sewing Machine, Needle Up/Down, 1/2 Stitch, 10mmSL, 12mmLift, M bobbin Wind, Asmb Stand, Light
Reliable 4020SW Direct Motor Drive Walking Foot Needle Feed Sewing Machine, with Roller Edge Guide, Assembled Stand, UberLight
Reliable Roller Edge Guide for 4020SW, 4210SW, 4510SW, 4510TW, and 4500CW
Consew 255RB-3 Walking Foot Needle Feed Sewing Machine, Stand, 10" Arm, 9/16"Lift, 4SPI, Safety Clutch, Drop In Vertical Axis Bobbin 15041, 3000 RPM
TechSew 5100FLP Fully Loaded 16.5" Cylinder Bed Walking Foot Heavy Leather Stitcher, 16.5" Arm, 1" Lift, 11mmSL, 12"Wheel, 1HP 750W Servo Motor Stand*
TechSew 5200 16.5" Flatbed Walking Foot Needle Feed Leather Stitcher Machine, Full 1HP Power Stand, Servo Motor, 1" Foot Lift, 7/8" Sewing Capacity
Juki LU1508 Head Only Walking Foot Needle Feed Upholstery Sewing Machine, Top Mbobbin, 16mm Foot Lift, 9mm Stitch Length, Safety Clutch, ETA Fall 2021
Yamata FY1560 1/4" Double Needles Walking Foot Industrial Sewing Machine/Stand
Yamata FY LU1508NH Walking Foot Needle Feed Upholstery Machine for Leather Vinyl Canvas, Power Stand, Servo Motor
Yamata FY1510 Single Needle Walking Foot Lockstitch Machine
Yamata FS1341 10" Cylinder Arm Walking Foot Needle Feed Sewing Machine Head Only, 9/16mm Foot Lift, Knee Lever, M Bobbins, 135x17 Needles
Juki LU1508NS Walking Foot Needle Feed Upholstery Sewing Machine, Power Stand
Consew 277 RFS3 Heavy Duty, 46mm 10" Cylinder Arm Walking Foot Needle Feed Sewing Machine and Binder, 1/2" Lift, 4 SPI, Hook Oil, Power Stand 2200SPM
Consew 227R-2 Cylinder Arm Walking Foot Needle Feed Industrial Sewing Machine, 10" Arm, 5/16" Foot Lift, Safety Clutch Retime, 3300 SPM, Power Stand
Consew 339RB-4, 1/4" Double Needle Feed Walking Foot Sewing Machine +Power Stand RTA 4000SPM, 10"Arm, 2.5 SPI, 9/16" Lift
Juki LU-1508NH Heavy Duty Walking Foot Needle Feed Upholstery Sewing Machine LU1508H JAPAN, Power Stand
Consew 339RB-4 3/8" Double Needle Feed Walking Foot Sewing Machine, RTA Stand
Consew 339RB-4 1/2" Double Needle Feed Walking Foot Machine Sewing +RTA Power Stand* 4000SPM, 10" Arm, 9/16" Lift, 15041 Bobbin, 2.5SPI, Safety Clutch
Consew 287RB-2 Heavy Duty, Single Needle, Lockstitch Compound Walking Foot Needle Feed Sewing Machine Head, Safety Clutch, 2300SPM + Stand Options
Techsew 5100SE 16.5" Cylinder Arm Leather Stitch Cobra Class4 +Pedestal Stand 1HP 800W, Laser/Roller Guides, Flatbed Table, Needle Positioner, 1" Lift
Consew 277RB-1 Heavy Duty, Drop Feed, Single Needle Walking Foot Lockstitch Sewing Machine with Motor
Consew 277RBFS Heavy Duty, Drop Feed, Single Needle Walking Foot Lockstitch Sewing Machine Assembled with Motor
Juki LU1560N 1/4" Double Needle Feed Walking Foot Sewing Machine, Power Stand, Lg M Bobbin & Winder, Auto Oil Hook, 16mm foot Lift, 9mm Stitch Length
Consew 2050 LongArm 16.5" Cylinder Bed Walking Foot Heavy Leather Industrial Sewing Machine, KD*Power Stand 800SPM, Roller Guide, 20mm FootLift 2.5SPI
Consew 389RB-2, 7"H Post Bed, Walking Foot, 1/4" Double Needle Feed Sewing Machine, Power Stand 2400SPM, 6mmSL, 11mm Foot Lift,
Juki PLC-2760 Double Needle Post-bed Walking Foot Unison Needle Feed Machine Lg Hook, Set Up Servo Power Stand, Requires Air Compressor for Foot Lift
Consew 756R-3 Extra Heavy Duty 3"Dia Cylinder Bed ,16" Long Arm Lockstitch Walking Foot Sewing Machine, 1" Foot Lift, Power Stand 1200SPM
Consew 339RBL-25" Longarm 1/4" Double Needle Feed Walking Sewing Machine, Power Stand, Servo Motor, 100 Needles
Consew 339RBL-25" Longarm 1/4" Double Needle Feed Walking Sewing Machine Head Only,
Consew 387RB-2 HeavyDuty Cylinder Arm Double Needle 1/4" Gauge Feed Walking Foot Machine, SafetyClutch, 8mmLift, 10"Arm, 4SPI, Mbobbin, Stand, 2500SPM
Consew 754R Heavy Duty 3.25" Cylinder Arm Needle Feed Industrial Sewing Machine, 16.5" Arm, 20mm Foot Lift, 2.5SPI, 800SPM, Space Saver Power Stand
Consew 744R-20" Longarm Extra Heavy Duty, Single Needle, Walking Foot Needle Feed Industrial Sewing Machine & Unassembled Power Stand
Consew 757R Extra Heavy Duty 16" Compound Walking Foot Sewing Machine/Stand, 1" Foot Lift, 2.5SPI, 28092 Bobbin, Winder, Big Wheel, 1200SPM, 7x3Needle
Consew 389-RBATCL-N 2 Needle 1/4" Gauge 7" Post Bed Walking Foot Sewing Machine, Auto Air Lift Presser Foot 11mm, Back Tack, Thread Trim, Needle Stop
Consew 745R-10" Extra Heavy Duty 1/4" Double Needle Feed, Walking Foot, 10" Arm Sewing Machine, 20mm 25/32" Lift, 1500SPM, KD Power Stand
Consew 733R5 16"LongArm Walking Foot Sewing Machine, 1.25"Foot Lift, 13mmSL, 2SPI, Reverse, Barrel Bobbin, Long Beak Oscillator, KD Power Stand 550SPM
Consew 389-RB-HP-1 Heavy Duty, Cylinder Arm, Two Needle, Drop Feed, Lockstictch Sewing Machine/Stand
Consew 744R-10P Extra Heavy Duty, Single Needle, Long Arm Sewing Machine Unassembled with Motor and Puller
Consew 744R-30" Longarm Extra Heavy Duty, Walking Foot Unison Needle Feed Sewing Machine, 20mm Foot Lift, Reverse, Safety Clutch, Power Stand 1500SPM
Consew 745R-20" LongArm 1/4" Standard Gauge Double Needle Walking Foot Industrial Sewing Machine, 1500SPM, 3/4"Foot Lift, Power Stand, Bobbin Winder
Consew 745R10P, 10" Arm & Puller, Double Needle Feed, Walking Foot, Sewing Machine, Safety Clutch, 3/4"Lift, .4"SL, M Bobbins, Power Stand 1500SPM
Consew 745R-20P, 20" Arm & Puller, 1/4" Gauge Double Needle Feed Walking Foot Sewing Machine, SafetyClutch, 3/4"Lift, .4"SL, M bobbins, Stand, 1500SPM
Consew 744R-20P Extra Heavy Duty, Single Needle, Long Arm Sewing Machine with Motor and Puller Unassembled
Consew 745R-30P 30" Arm, Puller, 1/4" Double Needle Feed Walking Foot Sewing Machine/Stand*
Consew 744R-30P Puller Feed 30"Longarm Extra Heavy Duty Walking Foot Industrial Sewing Machine 20mmLift Reverse SafetyClutch SetUp Power Stand 1500SPM
Juki LG-158-2 Double Needle 30" LongArm Walking Foot Sewing Machine, Std. Gauge, Servo Motor & Stand, 10mm SL, 7/8" Lift, LG Bobbin, 100 214x1 Needles
Juki LG-158-1 Single Needle 30" LongArm Walking Foot Needle Feef Sewing Machine +Power Stand LG158, 10mm SL, 7/8" Lift, Big M Bobbin, 100 DDx1 Needles